Boron’s Effects on the Immune System
Boron is a natural component of certain foods and is normally present in trace amounts in the body. As explained in our article on ‘Boron as Part of a Healthy Diet’, it’s commonly found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and some meats. It’s also available as a dietary supplement for those showing signs of Boron deficiency, but as it is an ultra-trace mineral, it is only required in very minute quantities. Boron has many well-known beneficial effects on the body, but in this article, we’re delving into how Boron acts as an effective immunity booster.

Boron’s Effects on the Immune System
Boron’s Functions in the Human Body
As mentioned previously, Boron is known to influence a variety of metabolic actions in the body. Research published on PubMed confirms that the mineral’s links to calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium allow it to maintain adequate bone mineral density, and positively affect bone metabolism. This means that it can also reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Furthermore, it can beneficially impact the body’s use of estrogen and testosterone, and maintain the optimal function of steroid hormones.
Role of Boron in the Immune System
Our immune system detects harmful substances such as viruses and bacteria and works to destroy them. Boron is one of the minerals our immune system needs to function properly— without it, the body will not be able to respond as quickly to invaders. An article published by ScienceDirect revealed that the administration of the correct dosage of Boron can enhance the performance of lymphocytes or white blood cells, as well as antibodies. Studies also suggest that the deprivation of Boron further impairs immune function and inflammatory response.
Implications of a Boron Deficiency
Boron deficiency, besides negatively affecting the body’s immune system, also causes abnormalities in sugar transport, respiration, free radical generation, and detoxification. This condition often causes symptoms such as lowered activity levels, decreased mental alertness and psychomotor skills, and weakened cognitive processes of attention and memory. Various studies have also revealed that Boron deficiency also exacerbates the symptoms of vitamin D and magnesium deficiencies, which worsens bone-related diseases.
Immune-Boosting Foods With Boron
To make sure you consume enough Boron, it’s best to have a diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables. SymptomFind has a guide to eating for your immune system, which highlights legumes, beans, and lentils as good sources of immune-boosting Boron. Green leafy vegetables including spinach, kale, broccoli, and nuts such as almonds are all high in minerals. Dried fruit like raisins and prunes are also known to have higher levels of Boron. Boron content in plant food can depend on the soil and water where they are grown, so location needs to be considered as well.
Boron Supplements
Boron supplementation in the form of boric acid, borates, and others was found to elicit an overall positive response in immune defense. An article found in the American Society for Nutrition recommends a dietary Boron intake of around 2-3mg per day for the best response for bone and brain health, as well as for modulating inflammatory and oxidative stress. It’s crucial to follow the directions on your supplement label for dosages, as taking excess amounts can lead to unwanted side effects. Overdosing could lead to Boron toxicity.
Generally, most research on Boron vouches for its effectiveness in boosting one’s immune system. Additionally, the mineral can balance sex hormones, strengthen bones, and reduce symptoms of arthritis and osteoporosis. Before you begin supplementing with Boron, it’s best to consult with your personal doctor or dietitian, especially if you have existing health conditions. Your healthcare provider will then be able to guide you to the dosage amount that’s right for you.