Boron for Arthritis Pain Relief
Boron, an incredible mineral, helps in arthritis pain relief. It may effectively reduce the discomfort caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions – offering natural relief from long-term aches and pains.

Borax in the Treatment of Arthritis
If you are looking for a natural remedy to help combat arthritis, then borax might be the answer. Studies show Borates may help with different types of arthritis and is an alternative for those who are trying to avoid taking prescription drugs.
- Borax is a natural mineral composed of boron, oxygen, and water
- It has been around for centuries as an anti-inflammatory agent
- You can consume Borax orally or apply it topically in the treatment of arthritis
- When ingested, Borax binds with calcium in the digestive tract which prevents absorption into the bloodstream
- This in turn deprives inflammatory cells of their primary fuel source and reduces inflammation throughout the body
What is Borax?
Borax is a natural mineral, the chemical compound B(OH)4. It contains boric acid and has many uses in the home, such as cleaning or deodorizing your dishwasher. Borax also acts as an insecticide for ants and other household pests.
Borax has been popular as a nutrient in folk medicine since ancient times, but modern science shows that in the right dosages, it does work!
Why Consider Borax for Arthritis?
Borax’s effectiveness is now well-known, and boron supplements are an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis, and other types of joint inflammation. A quick search on the web reveals multiple supplements containing boron which purport to ease afflictions related to arthritis.
Let us explore the different forms of boron for Arthritis pain:
The first type that we’ll look at is Rheumatoid Arthritis which affects about one percent of people worldwide. This type involves chronic inflammatory changes in your joints (often causing pain) but also causes more systemic problems such as fatigue or swelling in various organs throughout the body like the eyes, lungs, and nasal passages.
The next type of arthritis is Gouty Arthritis, which affects about five percent of people. This form usually causes severe pain, swelling, and redness in the joints (particularly those at your big toes).
Lastly, there’s Osteoarthritis which typically produces aching or stiffness from within the joint but does not produce inflammation like other types of arthritis.
Borax is an effective treatment for all three forms of arthritic conditions with only mild side effects if taken properly.
Besides, borax can also help prevent many degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and cancer because Borate acts as an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals before they cause damage to cells in our body.
How does Borax Helps Arthritis?
Borax helps treat arthritic conditions by reducing inflammation and pain while also increasing flexibility. One study found that patients treated with borax were able to walk faster than those treated without it.
Borax is most commonly consumed orally, but it also helps with arthritis when applied topically or inserted into the body via an enema.
One oral form of borax treatment requires the patient to drink two teaspoons of borax dissolved in water daily, followed by consuming half an apple mixed with cinnamon powder every day until symptoms are relieved. Patients are advised to reduce intake gradually during this period if more than one month passes without relief so that the kidneys don’t have too much work to do while they try to flush out the sodium from borax supplements!
How Long will it Take for Borax to Relieve Arthritis Pain?
The length of time that it takes for borax to bring relief varies from person to person. Some will experience a reduction in symptoms as soon as the following day, but others might find pain persists or worsens even after weeks of this treatment.
Suppose another underlying condition like chronic inflammation or auto-immune disease causes arthritis. In that case, it is advisable to look into treating those before trying borax supplements and enemas because they have not been found effective against these conditions alone. Also, if someone is pregnant, using Borax orally should be avoided.
How Important is Borax to Health?
One researcher provides a list of multiple benefits of using Boron:
1 Boron has a profound impact on improving arthritis
2 It is important for bone growth and maintenance
3 It increases the speed of wound healing
4 Boron has positive effects on the sex hormones and prevents vitamin D deficiency
5 It helps absorb magnesium into the bones
6 It is a strong anti-inflammatory
7 Boron increases the level of anti-oxidant enzymes
8 It protects against oxidated stress
9 It prevents heavy metal toxicity
10 It improves cognitive performance and short-term memory in the elderly
11 Therapeutic for prostate, cervical, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
12 Boron is a strong anti-fungal
Borax is a naturally occurring substance, a trace mineral, and a micronutrient. It helps with the absorption of calcium, which in turn plays an important role in helping the body maintain healthy bones. It also assists with inflammation symptoms caused by arthritis and other inflammatory diseases as well as preventing osteoporosis.
Some people worry about borax because they hear that it can cause harm to our kidneys or liver when used for long periods, but there is no proof of this through research on humans! However, there are studies on rats where high doses are given over a prolonged period – at levels much higher than would be consumed from food sources alone – that suggest potential damage may occur to these organs.
Side Effects of Boron
The side effects of borax depend on the individual’s condition. Some people may experience diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting when taking this medication for an extended period. You can also avoid using it if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
What to Expect:
Expect that you will experience less pain in your joints and feel more flexible. It is an outcome of regular usage of Borax! You can expect a noticeable difference after about two weeks, although it can take up to six months before you can experience the full benefits. This is particularly true if you have arthritis. After four years without relief from other treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications (non-steroidal drugs) or oral steroids, many patients find that they have evident results with the help of borax.
Is Boron Dangerous?
Borax is a naturally occurring mineral that has been around for centuries as an ingredient in toothpaste and other household products. It also helps the body metabolize vitamin D, which can help with osteoporosis prevention. Boron may not have many side effects if you take it at typical doses or less than 20 mg per day of boric acid. It is a type of boron. If you take more than this, then you might experience the following:
- Anemia
- Increases in blood cholesterol levels
- Acute liver failure
If your doctor prescribes too much borax medication, they will need to monitor how well your kidneys function. It is important so kidney problems don’t develop.
One more note of caution: If you are pregnant, nursing, have kidney and liver disease or have other medical conditions, it may be best for you to avoid borax.
Final Word
The more cautious among us may prefer to wait for more research to be done, but until more research is published via human studies, many sufferers from arthritis are giving Borax a try!