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Electric Car Batteries
Electric Car Batteries are rechargeable batteries that power electric cars, bikes, and scooters. They are specifically designed to give power over a sustained period and are deep-cycle batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are usually used in EVs. How Does an Electric Car Battery Function?
Episode 1 | 10min
Video – The Rapid Growth of the Battery Storage Market
Boron is powering the future of battery storage technology, making it an outstanding investment for those looking to capitalize on energy storage.
Video – The Role Of Medicinal Chemistry In Drug Development
Utilizing their knowledge of boron clusters and carboranes, medicinal chemistry is vital to the success of finding new treatments for a range of illnesses.
Video – MIND Diet: Proven Way To Boost Brain Health
The MIND diet is an innovative approach to protecting your brain function and reducing the chance of developing cognitive decline or Alzheimer's disease.
Video – How To Make Silly Putty With Borax?
Silly Putty is an iconic toy designed to bring joy and relaxation, made from a borax solution that allows for stretching, bouncing, and creating.
Video – The Bohr Model Of An Atom: A Simple Explanation
Have you ever heard of the Bohr model and wondered what it is? Don't worry! We’re here to show you what and how important this concept is.
Video – How to Make Borax Crystal Ornaments?
These festive decorations are easy to make and provide a fun and educational science activity for the whole family.
Video – Boron: The Overlooked Metalloid
Boron is classified as a metalloid since it has properties of both metals and non-metals. This makes boron incredibly useful for a wide range of applications.
Video – How to Draw a Lewis Dot Structure for any Atom?
A Lewis dot structure is the visual representation of an atom’s valence electrons that are shown by dots. It gives insight into an atom's properties, but how is this drawn?
Video – Boron Helps Boost Testosterone Levels
Boron is a mineral that helps with increasing testosterone levels and blocking excess estrogen, thus achieving optimum health and fitness with ease.
Video – All About Boron And Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are an important part of many diets around the world. Boron is a trace element used in the production of citrus fruits for proper plant development.
Video – Borax for Safe Cleaning in the Home
Borax helps remove dirt and grime around the home, which is why it is used in cleaning solutions. However, it must be handled carefully to avoid irritation if inhaled.
Video: Role Of Calcium And Boron in Pomegranate Fruit Yield
Video: The pomegranate fruit is a fantastic source of antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and other minerals. However, fruit cracking can cause the fruit to lose some of its quality.
Video: The Threat of a Boron Market Shortage
The demand for boron is skyrocketing in a range of industries, from decarbonization and advanced energy to agrochemicals and food production.
Video: Boron Deficiency in Woody Plants
Boron Deficiency in Woody Plants: Boron-efficient trees have a high proportion of noncell wall boron. Which are used for cytolysis under adequate conditions. However in boron, deficient plants and trees. A high proportion of cell wall born is missing in the cell wall structure. Boron deficiency is common among most plants and constrains the growth and development of agriculture and forestry, mainly due to the lack of boron in the soil.
Video: Boron-based Polymers for EV Storage
Video: Boron-based polymers for EV storage. Boron-based polymers such as boron nitride nanotubes are two-dimensional nanomaterials that improve electric vehicle energy storage given their high surface areas, large aspect ratios, and excellent thermal conductivities. Let's look at how BTS can be used in EV storage.
Video – Electric Car Batteries
Electric Car Batteries are rechargeable batteries that power electric cars, bikes, and scooters. They are specifically designed to give power over a sustained period and are deep cycle batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are usually used in EVs. How Does an Electric Car Battery Function?
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