Pomegranate Fruit
Crop Management, Agriculture

Pomegranate Fruit and Boron

Pomegranate fruit is an excellent source of vitamins C and K, antioxidants, and other minerals. However, the fruit may lose its quality due to fruit cracking. This is due to inadequate water management or lacking essential micronutrients such as boron and calcium.

Agriculture, Human Health

Canola Needs Boron to Thrive

Canola is a Brassica family member with especially high boron requirements. Boron deficiency significantly impacts seed production; yields are doubled when 2 lbs of boron per acre are applied to the canola field with no visual anomalies.

Boron and Food Security

Podcast – Boron and Food Security

In today's podcast, we're going to look at boron and food security. Boron plays a considerable role in food utilization, principally by improving the nutritional value of fertilizers for plant growth development. It also increases crop yield through increased nitrogen fixation rates in soils deficient in micronutrients.

Boron Deficiency in Woody Plants
Agriculture, Crop Management

Boron Deficiency In Woody Plants

Boron deficiency is widespread around the globe and constrains the growth and development of agriculture and forestry due to the lack of Boron in soil. Trees have a large body size, longer lifespan, and more Boron reserves than herbaceous plants, implying that woody species are more likely to suffer from long-term or mild Boron deficiency.

Boron Rich Food
Food Availability, Food Access, FOOD SECURITY

Does Boron Rich Food Help In Weight Loss?

Does Boron Rich food help with weight loss? Can they help you lose weight quickly and how much boron do you need? Boron-rich food plays a crucial role in regulating the body’s metabolism. Even very low amounts of Boron can induce significant body weight loss. Boron appears to be important in burning body fat for energy. It also regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Boron Essential for Plants
Crop Management, FOOD SECURITY

Boron Essential for Plants

Boron Essential for Plants: Boron is a vital nutrient for plants. It plays a crucial role in regulating the development of root and shoot meristem and thus helps complete the life cycles of plants from seed germination to fully-grown plant. 

Boron-based Polymers for EV Storage

Boron-based Polymers for EV Storage

Boron-based Polymers for EV Storage: Boron-based Polymers to Improve Electric Vehicle Energy Storage: Boron-based polymers such as BNNTs are 2D nanomaterials with excellent properties for improving electric vehicle energy storage given their high surface areas, large aspect ratios, and good thermal conductivities. Borates Today examines the potential for use of BNNTs in electric vehicle transmissions and batteries.

Fluoride Toxicity

Fluoride Toxicity With Boron

Fluoride is a toxic chemical that can cause severe health problems despite the best efforts of the WHO to provide recommended levels of fluoride intake by source. Fluoride toxicity is seen in both animals and humans but how can boron help to lower toxicity.

How Toxic is Boron
Crop Management, Chemistry, SCIENCE

How Toxic is Boron?

How toxic is Boron? Despite its low toxicity, boron can still be dangerous to humans if consumed in large amounts. It is well-known that excess boron can also affect plant growth and reproduction. In fact, toxicity of boron is considered one of the major causes of reduced crop production. In plants, high concentrations of boron can retard vegetative growth and decrease seed set.

Boron Levels in Apple Orchards
Crop Management, Agriculture, FOOD SECURITY

Boron Levels in Apple Orchards

Too much or too little Boron can be harmful when growing fruit. Apple farmers are using scientific approaches to get the right balance of Boron at acceptable levels for nutritious apples. Apples contain many health benefits. A medium apple contains 0.66 mg of Boron, fibre, vitamin C, and potassium.

Boron and Food Security

Boron and Food Security Utilization

Food Utilization, or food metabolization, is one of three drivers of Food Security (the other two being Availability and Accessibility). Food Utilization is all about the ability of animals and humans to use and benefit from nutrients in their food either through absorption or intake via the proper natural consumption of food.

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden: An Ultimate Guide To Using Boron

Gardeners looking to add boron to their vegetable garden can do so in various ways. This helpful mineral plays a vital role in plant growth and development and can help improve overall yields. Learn how to add boron to the vegetable garden. Understand the benefits that this mineral can provide not only in the soil but also in the transportation and nutritional value boron brings to garden vegetables, and plants for that matter.

Boron in Plants
Agriculture, FOOD SECURITY

Boron on the Farm

Boron in farming- Boron has long been associated with crops like beet and brassicas and it is important for all crops but at different levels This article first appeared in The Famers Journal on 13 December, 2021 and appears on Borates Today by permission. © Andy Doyle, The Farmers Journal Boron on the Farm

Food Security

What is Food Security

"Food security is a condition that exists when all people have, at all times, physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life." The Rome Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan of Action.

Boron Minerals Nutrition

Boron and Daily Diet

Boron is an essential mineral in our daily diet. Boron can be found in foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you are showing signs of Boron deficiency such as brittle fingernails. hair loss, muscle weakness, joint pain, supplements may be required. Boron is typically taken as borax, boric acid, or as a boron citrate supplement for those looking to include Boron in a regular diet.

Boron in Beer
Human Health, Chemistry, Food Access

Boron in Beer

Boron can be found in beer production and in beer itself. Borax and Boron are extensively used to clean equipment in production. Now researcher have found that boron can be used to produce ammonium more efficiently.

Boron in Foods

Boron in Food

The highest levels of boron are found in plant foods, including fruit, legumes, and tubers, leafy green vegetables, kale, spinach, and non-citrus fruits. Boron can also be seen as a component of grains, fruits, nuts, prunes, raisins, and other non-citrus fruit. Boron is also found in lesser amounts in beer, wine, and cider.

Boron in Coffee

Boron in Coffee

Coffee is one of the most susceptible crops to boron shortage. Boron in coffee is needed for coffee cultivation to improve yield and support healthy growth via cell divisions and cell wall formation in association with calcium, water uptake, roots growth, growth of internodes, setting, calcium uptake, lower aluminum toxicity, and drought resistance.


Boron Protects your Body and the Environment

Micronutrients are substances that are needed in small amounts to aid the body's functions and maintain health. These micronutrients not only help protect our bodies from disease but also play an important role in environmental protection. mainly, the role of micronutrients in plant growth and productivity influences its intensity to protect the environment.

Agriculture, Crop Management, FOOD SECURITY

Boron in Agriculture

The use of boron is a crucial component to farming success. Because without adequate levels, crops cannot grow or can harvest successfully. Soil with inadequate amounts of elemental boron does not provide enough nutrients that plants need to survive. Thus, it leads them into an unhealthy state which causes their growth rates to decrease immensely. This happens not just when first planted but also during maturity and harvest periods.

Boron in plants - Plant Food
FOOD SECURITY, Agriculture, Biocides, Crop Management

Boron for Plants

Boron for plants is an important micronutrient for plant growth. Boron deficiency in plants can lead to stunted growth and death of the plant. In addition, boron helps stop deforestation by preventing trees from taking up nutrients they require due to a lack of boron.